【Tシャツ】「いっそ-Overcome / official / 五阿弥ルナ & The Structures 」初回ロッド特典:五阿弥ルナサイン入りポストカード付き
【Tシャツ】「いっそ-Overcome / official / 五阿弥ルナ & The Structures 」
「MEMORA」に続く五阿弥ルナ & The Structures のデジタルシングル『いっそ-Overcome』のofficial Tシャツです。
・アーティスト:五阿弥ルナ & The Structures
・Artist :Luna Goami & The Structures
前作『Memorable』がアメリカのJpopチャートにランクインして話題となったコラボレーション、再び。ドラマ「最愛」でのスリリングな声で存在感を示したボーカリスト・五阿弥ルナと、引力のあるサウンドを作り出すThe Structures (a.k.a Yusei Koga)がタッグを組んだ、アンニュイで先鋭的なボーカル曲。
ミックス・マスタリング:Yusei Koga、アートワークデザイン:五阿弥ルナ
The collaboration that became a hot topic when the previous work "Memorable" ranked in the US Jpop chart will be held again. Vocalist Luna Goami, who showed her presence with her thrilling voice in the drama "Saiai," and The Structures (a.k.a Yusei Koga), who creates a compelling sound, teamed up for this ennui and cutting-edge vocal piece.
The lyrics and sound, with a downbeat yet fast-paced feel, are reminiscent of an amber-colored dawn. The song takes us into the future while accompanying our languid feelings. Even if I am unknown, even if I am invisible, I want to go forward on the path I should take. This is a life-sized anthem that encourages the courage of all those who fight everyday and inspire themselves. This album is self-produced, not only in terms of lyrics and composition, but also in terms of mixing, mastering, and artwork.
Mixing and mastering by Yusei Koga, artwork design by Luna Goami
五阿弥ルナ & The Structures
作曲:Yusei Koga
ミックスマスタリング:Yusei Koga
Luna Goami & The Structures
Lyric: Luna Goami
Compose: Yusei Koga
Mix mastering: Yusei Koga
Artwork Design: Luna Goami
■五阿弥ルナ 情報
・映画「シン・仮面ライダー」挿入歌『Hand on hand』作詞(作曲: 岩崎 琢)
・アニメ「シャーマンキング」エンディング曲『Courage Soul by麻倉 葉(CV:日笠陽子)』作詞
・最愛 劇伴メインテーマ『saiai』メロディ&造語歌唱 (作曲:横山克)
■The Structures 情報
「ここではない、懐かしいどこかへ」五阿弥ルナとThe StructuresがコラボEP『MEMORA』をリリース
五阿弥ルナ&The Structures
『いっそ-Overcome』 (読み:いっそ オーバーカム) / 英題『Overcome』
配信日: 2023/8/31
「いっそ-Overcome」PV五阿弥ルナ × The Structures
The Structures
▼五阿弥ルナ / Luna Goami
最近では、東京芸術劇場での「fate/grand order オーケストラコンサートperformed by 東京都交響楽団」ゲストボーカルや舞台『鬼滅の刃』など、舞台音楽への参加も多数。 2021年、映画「かく恋慕」の主題歌と劇伴で、フランス・ニース映画祭最優秀作曲賞ノミネート。「誰かの心を震わせるためには、自分の心を動かし続けること」をモットーに、あらゆる声の表現を探求中。
Twitter https://twitter.com/lunajysytz
Youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCT2LpVXnarxMMvBZSD1BuCw
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/lunagoami/
Website http://lunagoami.com/
Vocalist and lyricist. Her singing voice became a hot topic in the drama "Saiai" and the anime "Osomatsu-san". Characterized by a clear and thrilling voice, she is active in dramas and anime drama accompaniment and theme songs. also a feature, and in addition to Japanese, English, and fictitious words, Bulgarian voices and folk songs. since she was young, sounds and voices of everyday life collected with radio-cassette recorders, and has been absorbed in the world of sound.
Ryuichi Sakamoto called him "a voice with a unique frequency and talent" on the radio, and he started singing and composing while still a student at Waseda University.
Recently, there are many participation in stage music, such as the guest vocal of "fate / grand order orchestra performed by Tokyo Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra" at Tokyo Metropolitan Theater and the stage "demonslayer". In 2021, he was nominated for the Best Composition Award at the Nice Film Festival in France for the theme song and accompaniment of the movie "hide and sniff". With the motto, "To move someone's heart, keep moving your heart," he is exploring all kinds of vocal expressions.
▼The Structures / Yusei Koga
作曲者Yusei Kogaがプロデュースする個人の音楽プロジェクト。
USチャートのPop・EDM・Future Bassにインスパイアされた重厚なシンセサウンドで、都会的かつオーガニックな音作りに仕上げている。
2020年に音楽活動を開始し、1st アルバム"By my side"のリリース。
2021年にリリースしたシングル"Illusion"はInternational Songwriting Competition2021のセミファイナル楽曲としてノミネートするなどの快挙を達成。
Yusei Koga名義ではアーティストへの楽曲制作にも参加しており、2022年にはNOLION 2nd EP"CHAINS"の収録曲"BURN"の作曲として参加、また、ボクシング興行イベント3150FIGHT Vol2.のメインテーマ制作等コンスタントに活動中。
Twitter https://twitter.com/TheStructures8
Youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6WyVuijGMzik8F8hW-4kSQ
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/thestructures_yuseikoga/
Website https://thestructurenlog.com/
A personal music project produced by composer Yusei Koga.
A heavy synth sound inspired by pop, EDM, and Future Bass on the US charts, creating an urban and organic sound.
He collaborates with overseas artists to produce music, and releases music targeting the world.
Started music activities in 2020 and released the 1st album "By my side".
The single "Illusion" released in 2021 achieved great achievements such as being nominated as the semi-final song of the International Songwriting Competition 2021.
In the name of Yusei Koga, he also participates in the production of music for artists, and in 2022 he participated in the composition of the song "BURN" included in the NOLION 2nd EP "CHAINS", and also produced the main theme for the boxing event 3150 FIGHT Vol2. Active constantly.
We are active with track making, melody making, and sound design that do not fit in the framework of J-Pop.
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